Press Releases

On Tuesday, Westmarc CEO Sintra Hoffman presented Congresswoman Debbie Lesko (R-AZ) a compilation of pledges of support from local elected officials stating their support for Luke Air Force Base and the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter program. Over 40 local elected officials signed the pledge that was delivered to Congresswoman Lesko. 

“Luke Air Force base is the largest F-35 operating base in the world, with 76 F-35s located there now on the way to 144 total,” said Congresswoman Lesko.  “But in addition to that, it has such a large economic impact on our community.  It provides for thousands of jobs, all working and participating to keep our country and world a safer place.”

Westmarc is a public-private partnership of 15 communities and businesses in the West Valley of Greater Phoenix. The pledge from elected officials reaffirms the importance of Luke Air Force Base to the West Valley and the support of the F-35 program. 

“County supervisors, mayors, state legislators, and councilmembers from across the West Valley were so happy to sign the pledge,” said Westmarc CEO Sintra Hoffman.  “We compiled them into a booklet and are sharing them with Congresswoman Debbie Lesko to show her how strong the West Valley remains in its support of Luke Air Force base and the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter.”

Congresswoman Lesko remains a strong proponent of Luke Air Force Base and the F-35 program from her time in the Arizona State Legislature and now as U.S. Congresswoman for Arizona’s Eighth Congressional District. She recently voted in support of legislation to appropriate funding for 93 additional F-35 aircraft as well as the largest pay raise for our troops in nine years.