Press Releases

On Wednesday, U.S. Senators John Cornyn (R-TX) and Gary Peters (D-MI) introduced S. 3706, the United States Ports of Entry Threat and Operational Review Act. The bill is a companion to H.R. 6400, which was introduced by Congresswoman Debbie Lesko (AZ-08) in July and passed out of the House of Representatives with bipartisan support in September. The bill will help secure our border by protecting our air, land, and sea ports of entry from illegal activity. It requires the Secretary of Homeland Security to conduct a comprehensive review of all ports in the United States and create an operational strategy and implementation plan to neutralize any security vulnerabilities, potential or existing threats, and assess for any needed safety improvements. In addition to Congresswoman Lesko’s border security text, the Senate version also includes language to enhance food safety requirements for the trade of fresh produce.

Congresswoman Debbie Lesko (AZ-08): “I am thrilled my bill to secure our border by analyzing our ports of entry for threats and vulnerabilities is one step closer to being signed into law. With the rise of human trafficking, child smuggling, and the importation of illegal drugs at our nation’s ports, my bill will protect our national security and keep our citizens safe. Thank you to Senators Cornyn and Peters for supporting my efforts.”

Background: In July, Congresswoman Debbie Lesko introduced H.R. 6400, the United States Ports of Entry Threat and Operational Review Act, which was unanimously approved by the House Homeland Security Committee on July 24, 2018 and passed out of the House on September 4, 2018.