Press Releases

Today, lead Republican on the Transportation and Maritime Security Subcommittee Rep. Debbie Lesko (R-AZ) and Homeland Security Committee member Rep. Elissa Slotkin (D-MI) introduced H.R. 4402, the Inland Waters Security Review Act, to increase security of inland waters in the United States.

“Maritime security is a critical component of our nation’s homeland security,” said Congresswoman Lesko (AZ-08). “In order to fully understand the threats facing our maritime security, we must also consider our inland waterways. I thank Rep. Slotkin for her support as we work to protect our nation’s inland waters in a bipartisan manner.”

“Maritime security may not be what we're thinking about when we're enjoying our Great Lakes and inland waters here in Michigan — but it's critical to our state's security and our homeland security," said Congresswoman Elissa Slotkin (MI-08). “Ensuring that the Department of Homeland Security conducts a thorough security and threat assessment of our nation’s lakes, rivers and streams should be par for the course — and I'm proud to introduce this bipartisan bill with Congresswoman Lesko to make that a requirement.”


This bill requires the Department of Homeland Security Secretary to conduct an inland waters threat analysis that includes:

  • current and potential criminal threats posed by individuals and groups,
  • security challenges at U.S. inland waters ports,
  • security mitigation efforts on inland waters,
  • vulnerabilities related to cooperation between State, local, Tribal, and territorial law enforcement, or international agreements,
  • and metrics and performance measures used by DHS to evaluate inland waters security. 

The analysis must consider technology needs and challenges, personnel needs and challenges, the roles and the need of State, local, Tribal, territorial, and international law enforcement, as well as the challenges posed by geography with respect to inland waters security.

The analysis will be reported in unclassified form, but some portions may be classified.

The Committees that would receive the report include, House Homeland, House Transportation and Infrastructure, Senate Homeland, Senate Commerce, Science, and Transportation.