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Two Wisconsin Reps Join an Arizona Rep in Demanding Answers from Biden Regarding COVID Funds Used to House Immigrants
By Hayley Feland

Rep. Thomas Tiffany (R-WI-07) and Rep. Mike Gallagher (R-WI-08) joined Rep. Debbie Lesko (R-AZ-08) in demanding answers from the Biden administration regarding the use of COVID funds to house illegal immigrants.

Tiffany said, “Reports show that Biden transferred funds from COVID testing to cover the cost of housing illegal immigrants.” He continued saying that Americans deserve to know why President Biden is not putting them first.

Tiffany, Gallagher and Lesko are joined by 13 other Republican legislators in sending the letter to Biden.

The letter says the legislators are writing to “express serious concern” regarding the reports that say Biden diverted billions of dollars of COVID funds for housing illegal immigrants.

“Due to your administration’s decision to prioritize illegal border crossers over the health of American citizens, there are now countless reports of millions of Americans across our nation waiting in lines for hours to receive a COVID test,” the legislators wrote. “Your administration’s priority should be with the American people and the communities they reside in, not those who have broken our laws to enter our country.”

“Reports indicate that President Biden has diverted over $2 billion in funds originally allocated to urgent COVID related needs to cover the cost of housing illegal immigrants. Now, as Americans are struggling to find COVID tests and grappling with the aggressive spread of the Omicron variant, Americans deserve answers,” Representative Lesko said in a press release. “The shortage of tests, along with the severe backlog of samples that need testing, puts American lives at risk and the blame can be placed squarely on the actions of this administration who chose to put the needs of illegal immigrants ahead of the American people.”

The legislators asked for a response by January 31, with details regarding funding from Congress for the current testing shortage and how much of the diverted funds were used to conduct COVID testing.