Press Releases

WASHINGTON, D.C.—Today, U.S. Congresswoman Debbie Lesko (AZ-08) released the following statement in response to recent hearings in the Select Committee to Investigate January 6th:

“The recording of me saying I asked leadership to come up with a safety plan for members of Congress on January 6th reinforces what I have been asking from day one: Why wasn’t the U.S. Capitol properly secured on January 6th? Thousands of people were descending into Washington, D.C. and common sense led me to believe that members of Congress and their staff might have difficulty getting home through protesters after the vote on January 6th. I wrongly assumed that the U.S. Capitol itself would be properly secured. Instead, the U.S. Capitol Police were half staffed, and the Capitol was left vulnerable.

In addition, as I’ve said before, I did not attend a White House meeting at 2:00 PM EST on December 21, 2020, as was incorrectly reported by the media. The fact that my name does not appear on the White House visitor logs released at the July 12, 2022, hearing of the January 6th Committee reinforces that I did not attend. In fact, I was in a House Rules Committee hearing that afternoon.”
