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President Joe Biden’s executive actions on climate change are hypocritical because his and the Democrats’ terrible policies against U.S.-produced oil and gas are causing gasoline prices and electricity prices to go up, says Rep. Debbie Lesko, R-Ariz.

“To turn around and say, Well we're gonna do this to lower your energy prices — it's just not realistic,” Lesko said Saturday during an appearance on Newsmax's “America Right Now.”

“Ever since President Biden has taken office and we've lived under one party Democrat rule, the gasoline prices have gone up, electricity prices have gone up. I would think that they would turn around and think, you know, maybe our policies aren't too good."

Biden on Wednesday announced modest new steps to combat climate change and promised more robust action to come, saying, “This is an emergency, and I will look at it that way.”

The president stopped short, though, of declaring a formal climate emergency, which Democrats and environmental groups have been seeking after an influential Democratic senator quashed hopes for sweeping legislation to address global warming. Biden hinted such a step could be coming.

Executive actions announced Wednesday will bolster the domestic offshore wind industry in the Gulf of Mexico and Southeast, as well as spend $2.3 billion to help communities cope with soaring temperatures through programs administered by the Federal Emergency Management Agency, Department of Health and Human Services ,and other agencies.

Lesko said Biden’s push for all wind power and solar power isn’t realistic.

“We need that in part of our energy portfolio, but we cannot rely totally on just solar and wind because they are intermittent power,” she told Newsmax.

“We need base load power for the energy electricity grid, especially if more electric vehicles are going to be added onto the grid and the demand for electricity is going to be higher … he has this all-out war against U.S.-produced oil and gas.”

Read the article here.