Press Releases

WASHINGTON, D.C.—Today, U.S. Congresswoman Debbie Lesko (AZ-08) reintroduced her Make Education Local Act to put individual states in charge of their education policies by allowing states to submit their own education plans to the Secretary of Education and consolidate their funding from the federal government under one grant. Lesko also introduced this legislation in the 115th, 116th, and 117th Congresses.

“Arizona has been a leader in empowering schools and parents, not bureaucrats in Washington, D.C., in children’s education,” said Congresswoman Lesko. “I am pleased to reintroduce this bill to return educational decisions to states and families, take the federal government out of the classroom, and help students thrive.”

This bill puts states back in the driver’s seat of their education policy and reduces federal intrusion and regulation on public schools. The bill directs federal funding right to students and teachers instead of being spent to comply with federal regulations. It also requires each state to focus on student achievement and outcomes, while letting the states figure out how to do that best and how to spend those dollars.

Lesko was joined by Representative Mary Miller (R-IL-15) in introducing this legislation.
