Press Releases

 WASHINGTON, D.C.—Today, U.S. Congresswoman Debbie Lesko (AZ-08) reintroduced the VA Medical Center Transparency Act to increase transparency between Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) facilities, Congress, and veterans. Lesko was joined by Congresswoman Susie Lee (D-NV-03) in introducing this legislation.

“Our veterans have selflessly served our nation, and we must ensure they receive the best care we have to offer,” said Congresswoman Lesko. “I am proud to represent over fifty thousand veterans in my Congressional district, and that is why I am honored to reintroduce this legislation to improve transparency at VA facilities, help Congress track how VA medical facilities are performing, and allow members to better serve their veteran constituents.”

“The VA is the largest integrated health care system in the country,” said Congresswoman Lee. “Over a hundred thousand Nevada veterans, and millions nationwide, depend on VA medical facilities for health care. As Members of Congress, it’s our responsibility to exercise oversight and to ensure that the VA is moving forward with plans to improve patient care and cut down on wait times. That’s why I’m proud to join Congresswoman Lesko in introducing this bipartisan, common-sense legislation that will increase transparency and ensure our veterans are receiving high quality care.”

The bill requires every director of a VA medical facility to publish an annual factsheet that includes statistical information on the facility including patient wait times, prevalent health concerns, and average wait times. The factsheet will also include what, if any, improvements have been made to patient care and service, and plans for future improvements. These factsheets will be distributed to the Secretary of the VA, members of the U.S. House and U.S. Senate Veterans’ Affairs Committees, and members of Congress representing the facility. The factsheets will also be published on the facility’s website and displayed in the facility.
