Press Releases

WASHINGTON, D.C.—Today, U.S. Congresswoman Debbie Lesko (AZ-08) released the following statement on the U.S. House of Representatives’ passage of the Limit, Save, Grow Act:

“I was proud to vote for the Limit, Save, Grow Act to address our debt crisis and save $4.8 trillion in taxpayer dollars. This legislation limits federal spending to Fiscal Year 2022 levels. This package also reclaims billions of unspent COVID-19 funds, defunds President Biden’s 87,000 IRS agents meant to target middle-class Americans, prohibits President Biden’s unconstitutional student loan debt forgiveness scheme, and rescinds Green New Deal subsidies from the so-called Inflation Reduction Act. House Republicans also included the REINS Act to increase accountability and transparency in the Federal regulatory process and H.R. 1, the Lower Energy Costs Act, to help reduce gasoline and energy costs for the American people.

If we do not address this debt crisis, our interest payments will exceed defense spending as soon as 2025. We simply cannot continue the level of reckless spending we have seen from President Biden and congressional Democrats. With this package, House Republicans have proven that we stand for responsible spending and common-sense reforms. It is time for President Biden to come to the table and negotiate with Congress on the debt ceiling and address this crisis.”
